Sit with support

Do you know where your “sitting bones” are and how they can support you so you can sit more comfortably?

In the ideal sitting position you get maximum support through the bones of your skeleton from your feet through your sit bones into your pelvis, up your spine and into your head.

  • Sit on your chair with your feet supported on the floor or a flat surface, your hips as high as or slightly higher than your knees.
  • Can you feel your pelvic sit bones?
  • Make some small adjustments until you feel your sit bones clearly supporting you. Move a little forward and backward on your pelvis so you can feel different areas of each sitting bone.
  • With each adjustment try to turn your head a little to the right and to the left.
  • Notice when your ability to turn your head is easiest and most fluid. That will be the place of optimal support.

If you want to learn more about how all parts of your body can participate to enable you to sit most comfortably join us for our Dynamic Sitting Workshop this Saturday, April 6, 1-4 pm.

You will also learn what it means to sit dynamically and why that is important.

Pre registration required.

For more details about this workshop and information on how to register, read more here.