The relationship between movement and well being

While we talk about the ‘mind-body’ connection, when we are engaged in physical activities we don’t always think about their connection to our emotions, feelings or thoughts.


After a Feldenkrais class or individual session, I ask my students to feel the physical changes and to relate them to functional activities and then to emotional sensations, thoughts and their self presentation to others.  Moshe Feldenkrais talked about the interrelationship of acting/moving, feeling, sensing and thinking. My students are usually able to describe a connection between greater physical support or easier movements and overall well being.

It is always nice to see more research evidence linking mind and body.  These researchers found that people who walked in a way that looked like they were depressed e.g. slouched, bent over, stiffer arm movements, were more likely to focus on negative thoughts than those walking with a more upright, bouncier and “happy” gait.

So to help yourself feel better, stand in a way that makes you feel tall, aligned and well supported from the ground. Notice I did not say, “stand up straight” like we were all told as children. It is not a matter of standing stick straight but of feeling the connection and support through  your whole skeleton. With good support, movements will feel easy and pleasant and you will feel tall, unburdened and hopefully happier.

If you want to explore about how to connect your mind and body for more comfort visit our website to learn about our classes, workshops and individual sessions.