Walking Wisely for Better Health

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Almost everyday I read another article or news report promoting the health benefits of  walking. Not just leisurely around the house or office but more intense and purposeful walking for exercise, usually outdoors. Cited benefits include better cardiovascular health, joint and bone flexibility and density, enhanced tissue repair and healing and reduced obesity. Most of us feel more energetic both physically and mentally after a walk. Other mental health benefits include mood elevation and improved cognitive functioning.

Research repeatedly shows that staying active enhances health and likely impacts longevity. Walking is the easiest, safest, cheapest and most accessible way to stay mobile and active. Walking is a green and very inexpensive mode of transportation.

As I get older I enjoy walking more and more. I walk to as many places as I can. If I can’t I park farther from my destination to enjoy a short walk. I prefer to walk stairs rather than taking the elevator if possible. When I visit a new city I walk and explore for hours. Many days I will take a short walk as a break from work.

I was intrigued to read the toolbox kit from the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which included some fun walking facts, 52 of them in fact.  Here are a few:

  • A 15 minute walk can help curb chocolate and sugar cravings
  • Walking can boost creativity by up to 60%
  • The risk of an exercise related injury is approximately 20% for walkers but can go up to 70% for runners
  • Among industrialized nations, Australians walk the most and Americans the least.   Where do Canadians rank?

So I guess it is timely that the last workshop I am offering this Spring (no weekend workshops in the summer!) is called “Walking Wisely.” Register now to save your spot, as space is limited.

In this workshop:

  • We will do several Feldenkrais movement lessons to help us explore ways to walk with more ease, effectiveness and pleasure.
  • You will learn how to use your whole body efficiently and effectively while walking.
  • We will discover how to walk up and down hills and stairs without stressing our knees.
  • We will have fun!