An important Feldenkrais fashion item

The importance of “sticky” socks for  Feldenkrais

They are back!  World famous and much sought after, our special Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver socks are back. Due to popular demand a new shipment is on its way, scheduled to arrive as we start Fall classes.

Feldenkrais Wine with gray ink 2Why are they so special? Their amazing colours – maroon and grey, the Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver logo and name, and raised lettering on the bottom. The new socks, which look like these, will have the same colours as the previous ones but in reverse layout (they were grey with maroon lettering). Reversing things is a common theme in our Feldenkrais practice; we learn how to seamlessly reverse actions, doing the movement and it’s return movement without effort. In this case the change was also driven by what was available!

The raised, grippy lettering is very important when you are attending Feldenkrais classes; more on that later.  

If you are unfortunate to be admitted to a hospital you will also receive a pair of socks with raised dots on them to prevent you from walking bare feet on the filthy floors, the raised dots are meant to help prevent falling.  A pair of Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver socks are more valuable and are yours when you register for a full session of classes, while supplies last. Can’t make a whole session of classes? You live too far? Work crazy hours? Want to only drop in?  You can still get a pair of the coveted socks for only $10.

So why do we need these “grippy” socks for our classes?

A component of many lessons is to have our feet on the floor with our knees bent. This position helps protect a vulnerable back and allows us to pay attention to the sensation of our entire foot, with its many bones, on the floor. We feel the bones, the alignment of them from the toes to the heel and take the time to sense the connection from the feet up through the length of the legs and into the hip joints. We do many movements from this starting place always striving, when returning to once again having our feet on the floor, to find full skeletal support. Having socks that stick to the floor helps our feet from sliding and slipping.

Finding and keeping skeletal support are key features of our Feldenkrais practice. Want to learn more? Join us this Fall for one of our classes or new line up of half day weekend workshops.  See details below, registration is now open and classes are filling up fast.