Calm your nervous system

When I work with people individually in Functional Integration® lessons, I try to give each person a specific and easy movement they can do at home. I do this to help my clients learn that they can control their movements to make functional actions more relevant and easier. A good way to learn this is by doing a new learned movement or sequence of movements and notice the impact on your whole body. Afterwards try doing the same movement but without the attention or ease that was learned and notice what has changed.

Many people remark on the subtle movements we teach in Feldenkrais® classes and sessions  and their profound effects. They are even more powerful when repeated with mindful awareness and careful attention. The movements build upon each other to help us make the long lasting changes in movement patterns we strive for.

It was heartwarming to hear a student say that she does one of the movements we learned together during one of her individual sessions twice a day. In the morning it helps her get things moving so she can get out of bed, and in the evening it helps her relax and sleep. And it always helps to calm her whole nervous system.

Try it for yourself and sense how it affects you:

  • Lie on your back, on the floor or in bed.
  • Bend one leg so your foot is standing with your knee pointing to the ceiling.
  • Leave the other one long.
  • Gently roll the long leg inward and outward, very slowly. Feel the movement of your thigh in your hip joint.
  • Is it possible to keep the other leg still?
  • As you roll your leg does your lower back lift? Can you let it rest into the floor or bed.
  • How does this movement connect to the rest of your body?
  • How does your breathing change as you do the movement?
  • After a brief rest, do the same movement with your other leg. Notice the differences.
  • Gently get up off the floor or out of bed. How do your legs support you in standing?

If you would like to continue to explore how you can learn how to impact your movements to make all activities easier, come to an Awareness Through Movement® class or call for a consultation so we can make an individual plan for your ongoing learning.