Finding Support

As the beautiful BC summer winds down, I am preparing to start an 18 month graduate program for Feldenkrais practitioners with my teacher in Seattle. The first segment is Labour Day weekend so no goofing off for me the last long summer weekend! The theme of the training is “ideal organization and profound strength.” Many people don’t attend classes like Feldenkrais, […]

Defining the Feldenkrais Method

What is the Feldenkrais Method? A few weeks ago the North American Feldenkrais community was abuzz and everyone was sharing a short video clip from the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee. In the final round, a 5th grade contestant was asked to spell the word “Feldenkrais”.  The announcer said it didn’t really have a definition but “is used for a system of body movements […]

Walking Wisely for Better Health

Almost everyday I read another article or news report promoting the health benefits of  walking. Not just leisurely around the house or office but more intense and purposeful walking for exercise, usually outdoors. Cited benefits include better cardiovascular health, joint and bone flexibility and density, enhanced tissue repair and healing and reduced obesity. Most of us feel […]

The importance of rest

In our multicultural world many holidays are observed at this time of the year. Jews celebrated the festival of Chanukah from Dec 6-13 this year.  Christmas is, as always, on Dec 25th. Kwanzaa, a week long celebration honouring African heritage, will be marked Dec 26-January 1. Epiphany (also known as Three Kings’ Day) a Christian feast day, is traditionally observed on January […]

Learning from scarce resources

If ever there was doubt about climate change, this year, especially on the west coast, quelled those doubts. There was very little snow this year, a disappointment for skiers and boarders, but more importantly it mean there was significantly less water in the reservoirs. Then we experienced one of the warmest and driest summers on record. The brown grass on […]

Being active in the summer

As I began writing this newsletter, I heard the ice cream truck as it drove by, playing a few notes from Mozart’s “fleur de lis” on its speaker. The sound of the ice cream truck is a sure sign summer has started. I remember it well from my childhood in Montreal. Summer evenings kids on the street would be […]

Pelvis power and flexibility

Centre is a word that describes our pelvis. The pelvis is located in the centre of the body.  Second to the head, is the largest structure and the source of power for all of our movements.   The pelvis is the body’s centre of gravity. Centre of gravity, also referred to as centre of mass is […]

Maintaining flexibility – of mind and body

Last week I wrote of finding balance during the frenetic holiday season and provided a short movement exploration to sense yourself in sitting. The movements helped you to discover how to sit more comfortably and also to gave you the opportunity for a few minutes of quiet time alone. As we approach the end of the year, many […]

Left or right?

In her recent blog, one of my clients describes the differences she experienced trying to get into a bed at a relative’s she was visiting. The bed was quite high and my client clearly noticed how much easier it was to get up on one side, while getting in on the other side was a […]

Honouring Moshe Feldenkrais

Happy Birthday Moshe! Moshe Feldenkrais would be 110 this week if he were still with us!  His birth date is May 6, 1904. International Feldenkrais® week, May 2-11 honours Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Moshe Feldenkrais was sent away by his family at the age of 13 to escape pogroms against Jews in the Ukraine. He made […]