Breathing 101

Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance.” – Moshe Feldenkrais. Moshe Feldenkrais wrote extensively about the importance of breath and breathing, emphasizing the importance of awareness and self- discovery in breathing, rather than adhering to one “right” way to breathe. In the fitness world, the common practice is to exhale during the […]

Living our avowed and unavowed dreams

COVID-19 has changed our lives as we knew it.  As John Lennon said, “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” When the pandemic was called last March it effectively derailed any and all plans we had made for the remainder of this year and likely for part of next year. […]

Now more than ever it is important to take care of yourself

It has been 10 weeks since the WHO declared a world pandemic on March 11 and a few days less since British Columbia proclaimed, on March 17, a public health emergency and then the next day, a provincial health emergency. We have been living in an altered world for two and a half months. Gatherings over […]

Is it correct?

At some point in any group fitness or movement class a participant will ask, “am I doing it right?” In referring to efforts to correct someone’s movement patterns, Moshe Feldenkrais said, “to correct is incorrect”.  What did he mean? The Feldenkrais Method® is an educational method using a learning framework.   The Feldenkrais teacher/practitioner, sets the […]

An important Feldenkrais fashion item

The importance of “sticky” socks for  Feldenkrais They are back!  World famous and much sought after, our special Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver socks are back. Due to popular demand a new shipment is on its way, scheduled to arrive as we start Fall classes. Why are they so special? Their amazing colours – maroon and grey, the Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver logo and name, and raised lettering on the […]

Making a habit of chocolate

How are habits formed? How useful are they to us? The Feldenkrais Method® is largely about examining our habits so we can learn new ways of doing what we want to do. It is only through reflection and review that we can decide if a habit is useful or if it requires rethinking. Much of […]

Our hopes for Spring

Now that we have changed to Daylight Savings time it seems that Spring received the message and is slowly making its appearance, at least in the Lower Mainland (all bets are off east of here)!  With Spring comes the promise of light, growth and rebirth. I crave natural light; the dark days of November and […]

The Art of Sitting: How vs how much

Finally, support for my constant refrain that HOW is more important than how much. Especially when it comes to sitting. One of the ways I explain the Feldenkrais Method is that “we learn how to use our bodies more effectively.” We focus on the process rather than the goal. It was great to hear and read […]

Balance out the turmoil 

The world is in turmoil. This week we learned of the suicides of two celebrities: Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Suicide is a difficult subject to talk about, the silver lining of these tragic deaths is that there has been more talk this week. While approximately 10 people take their lives each day in Canada, it is only […]

Using your imagination in Feldenkrais classes

Now there is more evidence to support what we teach regularly in Feldenkrais classes:  using your imagination to do parts of, or entire movements. I know when I first heard of imagining a movement I thought it was crazy. But there is support for the benefits of thinking, feeling and visualizing movements before doing them […]