Do you walk wisely?

Everyone is promoting the health benefits of walking.

Walking is a great exercise to promote weight loss, helps lift our mood, can contribute to reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, is great for overal fitness and is a great way to  get from point A to point B.

A recent study suggests that walking for as little as one hour a day may lower the incidence of breast cancer among post menopausal women.

Have you noticed how many people do not walk as much as they can? Here are some simple ways to build walking into your daily routine:

  • At work, walk the stairs up or down at least two flights instead of taking the elevator.  In addition to the health benefit and toned muscles you will probably save time!
  • Take a parking place a couple of blocks from your destination. Again you will save time circling trying to find a closer space as well as gas by driving in circles.
  • Need only a few things at the grocery store?  Walk or bicycle there instead of driving. If you buy only a few items you can easily carry them.

But how you walk is also likely a factor in determining whether you enjoy walking and if you will build it into your routine.

Our next workshop will address walking: how to teach your body to be more efficient so that walking is easier and more pleasurable.

This workshop is a joint Feldenkrais® and Chi Walking® event, incorporating the principles of Feldenkrais and Chi Walking, and will be taught by Vita Kolodny and Angela James.  We are so excited to be presenting this workshop.  Please spread the word!

Here are the details:

Walking Wisely
Sunday October 20,  10 am – 4 pm; $150
Jericho Hill Centre

Pre registration is required.
More details  and registration information available here