Last year I fractured my wrist at the end of January, effectively ending my skiing season for 2016. So it was with some trepidation that I went back on skis and the slopes during the holiday season in December.
My first run out was a disaster. When I stopped for the first time, I promptly fell on my butt but thankfully was not injured. I was skiing in a very disorganized and “wild” manner. When I finished the first run, I took a few minutes to regroup to apply some Feldenkrais Method principles. I took some deep breaths, and slowly moved my head and eyes in each direction trying to feel my entire spine. I made a few movements forward and back from my pelvis, feeling my whole body move in response, and thought about letting my shoulders relax and release. When I took the second run, I stayed focused on my body and what I was doing. I stayed aware of movements in my ribs, feeling them squeeze together and come apart as I made each turn. I noticed how I was moving my pelvis and hips and also made note of movements in my ankles and legs. I felt much more in control and comfortable during the second run. In fact I felt more connected, flexible and organized during all subsequent runs; feeling better in fact than I have skied in years.
In applying Feldenkrais principles I am aware of what I am doing and try to stay connected to my body throughout all my activities – whether it is skiing, walking, cycling, working out in the gym or dancing.
At each class I teach, or individual client session I give, I help my clients connect what we are learning to relevant everyday activities. Every activity and action we do is easier when we breathe, especially we need to remember to exhale. Everything is smoother when we connect to our pelvis. Everything is more comfortable when we feel our ribs and the role they play in the activity. It is not very hard to be aware of what we are doing and how we are doing it. That is what mindfulness is all about.
Do you want to try to be more mindful and at the same time more aware of how your body can help you? Let me know when you want to try a weekly Awareness Through Movement class or come to a special workshop.