Group Classes

Feldenkrais classes can help calm your nervous system and boost your well-being through mindful movements.

In a group Awareness Through Movement® class the instructor provides verbal directions to guide students through a series of gentle movement sequences. Students mindfully, and with attention and intention, follow the directions to help identify and clarify movement patterns. It is only through being aware of what you are doing and how you are moving, that meaningful change can be made. We look to  help make movements, and functional activities, easier, lighter and more efficient.  

If you are new to Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes, attached are some guidelines to help you enjoy your first class.

Please register in advance or call (604-729-0060) to reserve your space. 

We require 24-hours notice to cancel or reschedule a class to avoid being  charged for the missed class. This frees up space for others to join a class.

at 10:30 am Pacific Time-  In studio class at the Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver (2515 McBain Ave). Drop ins are welcome but please register in advance. 

Wednesdays at 10:30 am Pacific Time- In studio class at the Jewish Community Centre (JCC) – 41st Ave and Oak street in Vancouver.  Click here to register.   

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Pacific Time – ZOOM class.


When you confirm and register for your Zoom class you will receive a link via email to join the Zoom class.

When you join the class, please enable your video camera. It is helpful when the teacher can see students moving in order to provide focused directions.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your class please do so at least 24 hours in advance or you will be charged for the missed class.  

Classes are not video recorded and your image will not be shared.


SINGLE CLASS: $25.00  |  Package of 5 CLASSES : $105

Purchased package classes are good for any group class on the schedule with all classes to be used within 60 days of purchase.

ETransfer/Interact payments are preferred. Please send payment via email to: