Imagine the possibilities

Professor Amy Cuddle is one of this week’s TED talk speakers in Vancouver. She speaks about the power of body language.  In an article in the Globe and Mail Cuddle describes what she calls “power posing”, how assuming a body pose of power  before a stressful situation, event or interview can positively impact how you feel going into the situation and its outcome. These poses are thought to change hormonal balances.

Professor Cuddle also relates that when people are unable to assume a power pose, she suggests they imagine themselves doing so. Her studies suggest that  imagining those poses can translate into confidence and empowerment.

In Feldenkrais® classes the use of imagination is an important part of the learning process. Sometimes we imagine a movement prior to acutally doing it. Other times we do a movement once or twice and then continue in our imagination. We can imagine all possibilities and make them easy and pain free. We feel the beginning of the movement and its connection to our whole body. We breathe easily and don’t tighten muscles that aren’t needed. In our imagination we move lightly and without effort.

One student described his recent experience of imagining. He gently massaged  his leg muscles to release tension while thanking them for their work on his behalf. He was then able to “see” his skeleton in his body.  He saw it as bright and powerful and saw how it was connected to his whole being. He had a realization that his whole body “is all in this together.”

Imagination is powerful.  To learn more and experience the impact on your own movements and actions click here to see our schedule of classes and workshops. We invite you to try a class and experience the power of your imagination!