Increase the sensitivity of your hands

When Moshe Feldenkrais required eye surgery he consulted eye surgeons. It is told that when they examined him he felt they were too rough. So he taught them a lesson to help them increase the sensitivity in their hands.

Here is an excerpt of his lesson, for you to explore:

  • Sit comfortably on a chair, your feet uncrossed and on the floor.
  • Close your eyes. Rest your hands on your lap and notice the sensations in your hands: the size of your hands, the temperature, the feeling in each finger and its joints.
  • Bring your right thumb to touch your left thumb. With your right thumb slowly trace the shape of your left thumb, from its base to the tip and around all sides. Make the explorations slowly and deliberately. Breathe gently and easily and notice the sensations in your thumbs, in the rest of your fingers and hands and what you are experiencing in the rest of your body.
  • After a few moments stop and rest. Notice if one thumb feels differently from the other. Can you articulate the differences?
  • Repeat, exploring your right thumb with your left thumb.
  • When you are done, rest your hands in your lap. Notice the differences in the two thumbs and hands now.
  • Slowly open your eyes. After a few moments rest, stand up and resume your day.
  • You can explore the other fingers in the same manner at this time or on another day.

If you would like to explore more how to increase the sensitivity in your hands join us this Sunday for our next workshop: Heal your hard working hands

We will learn how to relieve tension in your hands and arms and discover ease and lightness of movement.

More details on the workshop are here