Is it correct?

At some point in any group fitness or movement class a participant will ask, “am I doing it right?”

In referring to efforts to correct someone’s movement patterns, Moshe Feldenkrais said, “to correct is incorrect”.  What did he mean?

The Feldenkrais Method® is an educational method using a learning framework.   The Feldenkrais teacher/practitioner, sets the stage and creates the environment and context for students to examine their movement patterns and habits, and to explore new ways of moving; sometimes in ways they would never have imagined to make what they do even easier and more pleasurable. Our goal is always to help our students discover something new, that, when incorporated into their daily practices, will enhance their life in some way.

Each person comes to a Feldenkrais class or session with their individual history, story, long held habits, as well as with unique abilities and challenges.  We focus on strengthening abilities rather than trying to fill the gaps, on exploring what is available to be able to refine and enhance existing strengths.

We are not looking to “fix” a person but rather to teach our students to curiously explore what they do and how they do it. Through the exploration one learns and refines.  In this context we discourage self-evaluation and self- judgement as well as comparison with others. Feldenkrais said “that mature people need to discern by themselves what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what it is doing to them. They must decide if it is good or not good.”

So when I am asked, “am I doing it right” I usually answer with my own question or two, asking the student to take their attention to the process of their movements and what they are feeling and sensing throughout their bodies.  And I continually try to resist correcting!

I invite you to join us at a class to explore and learn, in an environment where we don’t consider if it is “right or wrong” and there is no judgement!
Winter classes begin on January 7, 2020, full schedule and details are available here.