Keep Moving

Almost every day we read articles extolling the virtues of a non sedentary lifestyle.

There is now recognition that children who exercise do better in school and are healthier, no matter what form of exercise they do.

It has long been known that prolonged sitting increases strain on the back and leads to muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. Another article confirms that sitting for long periods is not good for us and can even shorten our lives.

So get moving.

  • Change positions often.
  • If your job requires you to sit at a desk or computer, set a timer and get up at least every 20 minutes.
  • Stand up, feel your feet firmly on the floor, unlock your knees and take a couple of breaths.
  • Keeping your feet in place turn your upper body to look to the left. Feel your right shoulder moving forward and the right side of your pelvis moving forward. Let your neck be free. Breathe easily. Return to the middle and repeat, turning to the right.
  • Take a few steps – first walk forward and then backward. Walking backward challenges your brain to work differently which will introduces new movement patterns to your body.
  • Get a drink of water and then return to work.
  • Take these 2 minute breaks every 20 minutes.
  • And encourage your children to move and to be active.

As Moshe Feldenkrais famously said: “Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

The Feldenkrais MethodĀ® is a unique form of movement education. We learn to do gentle and easy movement sequences that help change the way we move. The Feldenkrais Method is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think and feel.

Feldenkrais Awareness Through MovementĀ® classes we learn how to pay attention to how we move so we can do what we love doing with greater ease and comfort. If you are in Vancouver, check out our on line schedule and consider joining us.