Breathing 101

Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance.” – Moshe Feldenkrais. Moshe Feldenkrais wrote extensively about the importance of breath and breathing, emphasizing the importance of awareness and self- discovery in breathing, rather than adhering to one “right” way to breathe. In the fitness world, the common practice is to exhale during the […]

Walk backwards and challenge your brain

In recent weeks, I have come across articles in the media highlighting issues near and dear to my Feldenkrais heart! Everyone knows that walking is one of the best, safest, cheapest and easiest forms of exercise. Regular walking has many positive health benefits. Until recently less has been written about walking backwards. A couple of recent […]

Different ways to reach for something

This past week I taught a class called “arms to your hips” but, as with many of the names of the Feldenkrais lessons the titles are not always a true reflection of the functional outcome of the lesson. It was, in my mind, about reaching, turning and transitioning from lying to side sitting.  While teaching the lesson, […]

Do less and learn more

Moshe Feldenkrais wrote a small seminal pamphlet on learning called “Learning to Learn” which he developed as a guide to accompany recorded and published Awareness Through Movement lessons. In each class that I teach one or more of the elements he discussed surfaces. Probably none is more important, and a part of each and every […]

Being in Community

A community is a group of people with common interests, values or culture. In the course of our personal and work lives we typically belong to more than one community built around common work, shared love of music or literature, group activities or outings; the list is endless. One of my communities is the group […]

The relationship between chocolate and Feldenkrais.

I have always been very heart warmed at the feeling of community among students attending our Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® classes. Students talk to each other, share stories of how they have incorporated movements into their daily lives, share resources and connections and help each other enter and leave classes. Several years ago, a tradition […]

Keep your favourite Feldenkrais lessons

I have often been asked by students for tricks on how to remember parts of, or a complete lesson. So a few years ago I started making audio recordings of classes as I taught them for anyone to listen to in order to redo their favourite lessons or explore new ones. I now have an extensive […]

The power of Feldenkrais, experienced first-hand – twice!

I don’t need to be convinced about the features and benefits of the Feldenkrais Method®as I have been immersed in in the practice and teaching of it for more than 20 years.  But this week I had two personal experiences that validated for me its positive impact. One evening while out for a walk, I […]

Between stimulus and response

Sixteen weeks and counting This week I looked back at my calendar and realized that this upcoming week (June 30)  marks the 16th week I have been teaching Awareness Through Movement® classes virtually, on Zoom.   Sixteen weeks! I am very grateful to everyone who has been joining our weekly classes including current and former students […]

Managing pandemic weariness

We are all getting a little weary. I “googled” the word weary and one of the definitions offered was “reluctance to see or experience any more of something.” That is a good description of how many of us feel. We are “done” with the pandemic and the resulting restrictions imposed on our lives. Everyone wants […]