Now more than ever it is important to take care of yourself

It has been 10 weeks since the WHO declared a world pandemic on March 11 and a few days less since British Columbia proclaimed, on March 17, a public health emergency and then the next day, a provincial health emergency. We have been living in an altered world for two and a half months. Gatherings over […]

Why I don’t fix people

I recently read an article from the New York Times, The Secret Life of Pain by Yoni Goodman. He describes his life with chronic back and joint pain for many years and then his experiences at the Mayo Clinic pain program. The program, he states, “teaches patients not to dwell on the pain and not […]

Learning from Adventures in Iceland

I just returned from a series of adventures. A return visit to Montreal to see family and our daughter perform, onto Hanover, NH for our niece’s college graduation and then to Iceland for a long planned trip with friends. Iceland is like no place I’ve ever been to before.  The landscape is different and vast; […]

Summer Feldenkrais Challenge

Summer is vacation time; many of us wait all year for our summer​ vacation. I personally prefer to stay in Vancouver in the summer when the weather is finally nice.  However this year we are making a special late Spring/early Summer trip. On June 7 my  husband and I leave for Montreal to visit family and […]

Getting back on skis

Last year I fractured my wrist at the end of January, effectively ending my skiing season for 2016.   So it was with some trepidation that I went back on skis and the slopes during the holiday season in December. My first run out was a disaster. When I stopped for the first time, I […]

Is Feldenkrais “Hocus Pocus?”

  In November I was in Israel on vacation. We visited Mitzpe Ramon, Israel’s largest crater, in the Negev desert. It was formed by erosion rather than an impact crater or canyon. It is breathtaking and seemingly goes on for miles and miles. We were able to hike in the crater, almost on our own […]

The Feldenkrais Method® and Chocolate

Are you surprised at the title, wondering what chocolate has to do with the Feldenkrais Method? Chocolate and regularly practicing the Feldenkrais Method have much in common. They both help us to take care of our body and sweeten our lives. The dictionary defines chocolate as: – A food that is made from cacao beans and that […]

Finding Support

As the beautiful BC summer winds down, I am preparing to start an 18 month graduate program for Feldenkrais practitioners with my teacher in Seattle. The first segment is Labour Day weekend so no goofing off for me the last long summer weekend! The theme of the training is “ideal organization and profound strength.” Many people don’t attend classes like Feldenkrais, […]

Sitting is the new tobacco

“Don’t sit still, you’ll get glued to the seat and stiffen up and won’t be able to move” to quote one of my clients  who gave me permission to share her words of wisdom.   There has been recent buzz about sitting “being the new tobacco.”  What exactly does that mean?  I think the analogy […]


In this weekend’s Globe and Mail, poet Eva Joseph wrote a compelling essay about her experience and life after having a stroke, at the age of 60. It is an article well worth reading. One of the things she found hardest in her recovery was the block she faced in being unable to write poetry, which was […]