Why I don’t fix people

I recently read an article from the New York Times, The Secret Life of Pain by Yoni Goodman. He describes his life with chronic back and joint pain for many years and then his experiences at the Mayo Clinic pain program. The program, he states, “teaches patients not to dwell on the pain and not […]

Finding Support

As the beautiful BC summer winds down, I am preparing to start an 18 month graduate program for Feldenkrais practitioners with my teacher in Seattle. The first segment is Labour Day weekend so no goofing off for me the last long summer weekend! The theme of the training is “ideal organization and profound strength.” Many people don’t attend classes like Feldenkrais, […]

What do you do when you have pain?

What do you do when you have pain? Many activities we do during the day have the potential to create discomfort or pain in our neck and shoulders. Many people run off to a practitioner as soon as they experience pain, wanting someone to help them eliminate the pain. However pain can be a signal […]