Finding Support

As the beautiful BC summer winds down, I am preparing to start an 18 month graduate program for Feldenkrais practitioners with my teacher in Seattle. The first segment is Labour Day weekend so no goofing off for me the last long summer weekend! The theme of the training is “ideal organization and profound strength.” Many people don’t attend classes like Feldenkrais, […]


In this weekend’s Globe and Mail, poet Eva Joseph wrote a compelling essay about her experience and life after having a stroke, at the age of 60. It is an article well worth reading. One of the things she found hardest in her recovery was the block she faced in being unable to write poetry, which was […]

Learning is fun

The more I practice and teach the Feldenkrais Method® the more I believe in it as a way of learning how to learn rather than a therapeutic method to fix  aches and pains. So whenever I see articles and books on teaching modalities I am intrigued. A few weeks ago I wrote about moving and […]

Plantar Fasciitis Relief

If you have ever had plantar fasciitis, heel and middle of the foot pain caused by irritation of the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot, you know how painful and functionally limiting it can be. Most often anti inflammatories and stretching exercises are recommended and those with the condition are encouraged to wear […]

Sitting is the new tobacco: Learn how to kick the habit and sit more comfortably

Workshop: Better Sitting There has been a lot of media attention recently on the health hazards of prolonged sitting. Health hazards mentioned in various articles include risks for cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity with its harmful effects, diabetes as well as depressed moods.  We know that sitting puts more weight into the lumbar vertebrae than does […]

Left or right?

In her recent blog, one of my clients describes the differences she experienced trying to get into a bed at a relative’s she was visiting. The bed was quite high and my client clearly noticed how much easier it was to get up on one side, while getting in on the other side was a […]

Walking helps us stay young!

More evidence to support the health benefits of walking were recently published in the prestigious medical journal JAMA. The article is a report of a study of over 1600 sedentary men and women aged 70-89, who were randomized into two groups: one group received health education but were also involved in a structured program at […]

Better Balance

To get ready for our last Feldenkrais workshop of the spring, Better Balance, on Saturday June 7, try the following sequence which uses movements of the ankles to help with balancing over your feet. Stand behind a chair, holding onto the back of the chair for support (don’t stand too close to the chair). Bring […]

Honouring Moshe Feldenkrais

Happy Birthday Moshe! Moshe Feldenkrais would be 110 this week if he were still with us!  His birth date is May 6, 1904. International Feldenkrais® week, May 2-11 honours Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Moshe Feldenkrais was sent away by his family at the age of 13 to escape pogroms against Jews in the Ukraine. He made […]

Get up and move!

I just came back from a 2 week holiday which included a week in London where I walked a lot and took public transit. I walked for hours and hours and at the end of the day felt tired but great at the same time. I didn’t have any back pain, or neck or  shoulder […]