Taking care of ourselves

Summer was fashionably late but has finally arrived in BC!

Summer was fashionably late but has finally arrived in BC! summer_time 5

In any season, we live in one of the best places but summer here is my favourite (apologies to those of you who live elsewhere). Warm, sunny and often breezy but generally not too hot and humid. What more can we ask for?

We have been living under pandemic conditions for 5 months. In mid March when the WHO declared the pandemic who would have imagined that in the middle of the summer we would still be restricted in our social contacts and ability to gather in groups, that many of us would still be working from home, and that scheduled celebrations, events and festivals would all be cancelled in the summer?  How many of us thought it would be over in a month or two?

With no end in sight we have readjusted our lives and routines. Many of us are also reevaluating priorities. Much of what we used to think was important seems less so now; we are focusing more on taking care of ourselves and staying safe, on spending quality time with our small circle of loved ones, and engaging in meaningful activities.

Feldenkrais classes have the appearance of being primarily oriented toward teaching us to move better. To quote Moshe Feldenkrais “without movement there is no life.” He was also clear though, that for us to live meaningful and full lives, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves, to be mindful of what we do and how, and to engage not only our bodies but our minds as well, to their fullest. We don’t try to achieve anything; our goals are the processes of awareness and learning.

Our Awareness Through Movement ® classes do just that. We learn how to pay attention and to move with intention, so that we can continue to grow and to achieve “our unavowed dreams.”  We learn how to take care of ourselves which is especially important now.

As one student wrote to me after a recent class, “… I’ve been walking around thinking I’m smaller than I really am with one shoulder curled forward. The class made me realize I never really owned my space, I’ve been keeping myself small. But the awareness of movements helped me figure out how I can reverse this pattern. Fascinating!!!!” 

I invite you to join us on our journey to finding fulfillment through mindful movements. Our weekly classes continue during all seasons. Please attend whenever you are able and invite others to attend with you. You will learn how to “boost your well-being through mindful movement” in the safety of your own space.