What is your potential?

It is hard to believe that another year is drawing to a close. So much has happened in the last 12 months, both memorable and tragic. As we approach Christmas and the winter break we are all reflecting on the terrible events in Newtown, Connecticut and the tragic loss of so many young people who will never realize their true potential.

The longer I practice and teach the Feldenkrais Method® the more I realize that I am not just  a teacher of awareness but I also help people work toward realizing their true potential. We begin with movement and quickly move onto other important goals.

Moshe Feldenkrais, in his book Awareness Through Movement, suggests that we all act according to our self-image which we have built up over many years. He goes on to say that he does not believe that most of us  live up to our potential, and that our self -image of what we can do is actually smaller than what is available to us.

Make it one of your goals for 2013 to strive to do something different, to dream out of the box, to move beyond your own self-image. Maybe this year you will decide it is time to learn how to avoid situations that cause your recurring neck and back pain. Or perhaps you are ready to learn how to sit more comfortably at your desk, how to pace yourself better through the day to avoid pain and stress.

Contact me to discuss how I can help you with your goals.