Happier Hamstrings

“The term ‘hamstring’ originated in the eighteen century in England when butchers would display pig carcasses in their store windows by hanging them from the long tendons at the back of the knee” (Trail Guide to the Body, 2nd edition, p. 250). The hamstrings muscles are a large muscle group located on the back side […]

Increase the sensitivity of your hands

When Moshe Feldenkrais required eye surgery he consulted eye surgeons. It is told that when they examined him he felt they were too rough. So he taught them a lesson to help them increase the sensitivity in their hands. Here is an excerpt of his lesson, for you to explore: Sit comfortably on a chair, […]

Ease your aching neck

Do you wake up some mornings with a stiff neck? After working for awhile at the computer is the area around your neck and shoulders sore and tired? When your neck gets sore it is hard to think about moving it and as a result it becomes  stiffer and more uncomfortable from being held and […]

Jaw, Neck & Shoulder Workshop and Fall classes

I am back from the amazing annual Feldenkrais conference. It was preceded by two days of presentations by leading neuroscientists teaching us about the latest in neuroscience and linking current research with the Feldenkrais Method®. There was tons of good discussion and ideas to move forward, with the help of these experts, with research activities to […]

Conference energy

The Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver is closed August 27- September 6. We are attending the annual Feldenkrais Method® conference in San Francisco preceded by the two day Esther Thelen Research Symposium, named in honour of the late Dr. Esther Thelen, a renowned developmental psychologist and Feldenkrais Method practitioner. Both the symposium and conference are focused on […]

Summer Adventures

I love the heat and am sad that August is waning and summer is ending. As I reflect on the summer I realize how happy I am when I can be outdoors doing what I love: gardening, walking, biking and hiking. Above is a photo, taken from Whistler/Blackcomb’s website, of the glorious High Note Trail […]

Fall 2012 Workshops

Free Your Jaw, Neck and Shoulders– Saturday September 15, 2012, 1-4 pm Many of our everyday activities such as sitting at a computer or desk, talking on a phone or driving a car can put stress and strain on the muscles of the neck and shoulders and in the jaw.  Tension in the jaw is […]

Walk for brain health

I was (and still am to a lesser extent) a geriatric nurse and have worked with many people living with Alzheimer’s and other conditions causing dementia. Dementia affects our ability to think and express oneself clearly. When I work with the elderly, either as a nurse or Feldenkrais practitioner, I am always interested in also […]

Stand up for better health

Many people come to see me initially because of recurring back pain. In fact, that is how my husband and I first discovered the Feldenkrais Method® of Movement Education. In 1988 he had a flare up of his chronic back pain, eventually requiring surgery for a herniated lumbar disc. Before surgery he learned about a […]

Cycle in comfort and enjoy the ride

With the advent of summer this week in the Lower Mainland of BC, many of us, me included, spent a good part of this past weekend cycling. As always as I was cycling I was paying attention to how I was sitting, holding the handlebars and pedaling and kept readjusting my position  to ensure I […]