Focus and the Olympics
I cannot believe that it is four years since I was a volunteer at the 21st Winter Olympics held in Vancouver and Whistler, BC. It was great being part of the excitement of the preparations, training and competition. My job was to work with a team of volunteers to ensure spectators had a good experience. […]
Holiday Greetings and Winter planning
Best wishes to all for this holiday season and joy and good health in 2014. Thank you for your continued support throughout the years. Some recent articles that have caught my attention that I would like to share. I almost always walk the stairs rather than ride the elevator. It is a great way to […]
Back to School
School started for most students on Tuesday Sept 3; classes at the Feldenkrais Centre VancouverĀ® begin next Tuesday Sept 10. It was timely and very inspiring to read Tracy Sherlock’s article in today’s Vancouver Sun describing a new educational initiative being trialed this year in several BC school districts. Called “self-regulation” students are coached to […]
Walking Wisely and more: Fall Feldenkrais Lineup
Last week I wrote that I was excited to be renewing my relationship with the folks at the Pilates Group studio in Richmond. Today I would like to tell you about a new relationship and another new adventure. And read to the end to find out about an interesting new item I have for you! […]
Expansion to Richmond
The dogs days of summer are upon us and in Vancouver at least, many people leave town this time in August for the last blast of summer fun. I have already had a summer holiday, actually I had three, and am now actively planning for September. I always think of September as the “new year” […]
Summer living and learning
I just returned from a 4 day trip to Jasper National Park in Alberta. A long way to go for only 4 days but we packed a lot in. I had my first ever golf lesson, went on a few small hikes in Maligne Canyon and Peyto lake, took a tour of the Athabasca icefield […]
Do you lead a busy life? Feel wound up at night?
There is still space in our next workshop: SounderĀ® Sleep at the Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver Thursday, January 31, 2013 5:30-7:30 pm Do you have trouble going to sleep? Do you get up in the middle of the night and then cannot fall back asleep? Do you feel draggy and lethargic during the day? These are […]
What is your potential?
It is hard to believe that another year is drawing to a close. So much has happened in the last 12 months, both memorable and tragic. As we approach Christmas and the winter break we are all reflecting on the terrible events in Newtown, Connecticut and the tragic loss of so many young people who […]
Happier Hamstrings
“The term ‘hamstring’ originated in the eighteen century in England when butchers would display pig carcasses in their store windows by hanging them from the long tendons at the back of the knee” (Trail Guide to the Body, 2nd edition, p. 250). The hamstrings muscles are a large muscle group located on the back side […]
Conference energy
The Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver is closed August 27- September 6. We are attending the annual Feldenkrais MethodĀ® conference in San Francisco preceded by the two day Esther Thelen Research Symposium, named in honour of the late Dr. Esther Thelen, a renowned developmental psychologist and Feldenkrais Method practitioner. Both the symposium and conference are focused on […]