Compute with comfort

Many of us that sit at the computer for a good part of the day experience tension between our shoulder blades and at the neck, partly because we sit too long or don’t sit in the most supportive way. And we stare at the screen for long periods of time. The most important thing you […]

Sitting on your bicycle seat

This week is bike to work week in many areas of North America. In Vancouver, this week’s wet weather does not immediately inspire one to bike to work but there are still many committed regular bike commuters, as well as new ones, riding to and from work. In many cities, bike sharing programs are springing […]

Small tasks

In addition to teaching the Feldenkrais Method®, I am a nurse with an expertise in care of the elderly. Currently I work occasionally in the community and in the hospital, facilitating discharges from hospital and ensuring people get the care at home they need. Last week I attended a training session on assessing elders for […]

Exploring balance

Finding balance requires that our visual and vestibular systems work together so that we have the ability to sense and respond to the surface under us. Balance acuity decreases as we age; losing our sense of balance is a significant cause of stumbles and falls. Doing movements that challenge our balance is important to keep […]

Sit with support

Do you know where your “sitting bones” are and how they can support you so you can sit more comfortably? In the ideal sitting position you get maximum support through the bones of your skeleton from your feet through your sit bones into your pelvis, up your spine and into your head. Sit on your […]

Calm your nervous system

When I work with people individually in Functional Integration® lessons, I try to give each person a specific and easy movement they can do at home. I do this to help my clients learn that they can control their movements to make functional actions more relevant and easier. A good way to learn this is […]

Do you know where your feet are?

Your ankles and feet are important sources of information that the brain receives and relies on about where your body is in space. Many of us lose precise awareness of where our feet and ankle are when walking on unfamiliar or uneven surfaces. Try this short exploration to rediscover awareness of your feet and ankles: […]

Learning how to find comfort while lying on your side

If you are like most people you will fall asleep in one position and then move around throughout the night.  Can you learn to be comfortable while lying on your back and your side? And even on your stomach? Today we focus on getting comfort, and support, in side lying. You will have to try […]

What is your potential?

It is hard to believe that another year is drawing to a close. So much has happened in the last 12 months, both memorable and tragic. As we approach Christmas and the winter break we are all reflecting on the terrible events in Newtown, Connecticut and the tragic loss of so many young people who […]

Working with your dominant hand

In this week’s Awareness Through Movement ® classes we are focusing on reducing the work and tension in our dominant hand. It is usually overworked in most of us though we don’t always realize it. As a teaser for this week’s class try this short movement sequence. You can do it with your dominant hand […]