Expansion to Richmond
The dogs days of summer are upon us and in Vancouver at least, many people leave town this time in August for the last blast of summer fun. I have already had a summer holiday, actually I had three, and am now actively planning for September. I always think of September as the “new year” […]
Weeding and clearing
In everything I do I think about about the connections to Feldenkrais movements and how I am using my body. This weekend, one of the things on my to do list was to tackle the overgrowth and weeds in my garden. Many visitors and clients remark on my nice garden which looks like an English […]
Compute with comfort
Many of us that sit at the computer for a good part of the day experience tension between our shoulder blades and at the neck, partly because we sit too long or don’t sit in the most supportive way. And we stare at the screen for long periods of time. The most important thing you […]
Exploring balance
Finding balance requires that our visual and vestibular systems work together so that we have the ability to sense and respond to the surface under us. Balance acuity decreases as we age; losing our sense of balance is a significant cause of stumbles and falls. Doing movements that challenge our balance is important to keep […]
Unglue Your Shoulders
Do your shoulders feel tense and tight especially after working at the computer for awhile? Does it sometimes feel like your shoulders are glued to your ears? Here is a quick sequence you can do to release tension in your shoulders and neck. Sit on the forward part of a chair. Place your feet flat […]
Sit with support
Do you know where your “sitting bones” are and how they can support you so you can sit more comfortably? In the ideal sitting position you get maximum support through the bones of your skeleton from your feet through your sit bones into your pelvis, up your spine and into your head. Sit on your […]
Do you lead a busy life? Feel wound up at night?
There is still space in our next workshop: Sounder® Sleep at the Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver Thursday, January 31, 2013 5:30-7:30 pm Do you have trouble going to sleep? Do you get up in the middle of the night and then cannot fall back asleep? Do you feel draggy and lethargic during the day? These are […]
Learning how to find comfort while lying on your side
If you are like most people you will fall asleep in one position and then move around throughout the night. Can you learn to be comfortable while lying on your back and your side? And even on your stomach? Today we focus on getting comfort, and support, in side lying. You will have to try […]
What is your potential?
It is hard to believe that another year is drawing to a close. So much has happened in the last 12 months, both memorable and tragic. As we approach Christmas and the winter break we are all reflecting on the terrible events in Newtown, Connecticut and the tragic loss of so many young people who […]
Jaw, Neck & Shoulder Workshop and Fall classes
I am back from the amazing annual Feldenkrais conference. It was preceded by two days of presentations by leading neuroscientists teaching us about the latest in neuroscience and linking current research with the Feldenkrais Method®. There was tons of good discussion and ideas to move forward, with the help of these experts, with research activities to […]